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Application security posture management with Snyk

Snyk enables developers to build securely from the start, while giving security teams complete visibility and comprehensive controls.

Your application security control center

Snyk enables you to define, manage, and scale your application security program with end-to-end visibility across your applications, governance, and automation.

Issue management

Snyk supports the full issue lifecycle from identification to triage to prioritization to remediation.


Define and apply security and compliance guardrails to ensure all teams move fast while adhering to risk protocols.


Explore any aspect of your application security program to measure, track, and report upon your overall application security posture.

Application-centric security

Snyk provides you with a broad view of how your developers are building, deploying, and running their applications so you better understand the application lifecycle, explore risks, and track ownership.

Broad, deep SDLC coverage

Snyk integrates across the application’s lifecycle, as early as the design stage through the build and testing stages, and all the way to the deployment and running stages.

End-to-end application context

Snyk provides you with a broad view of your application’s architecture to better understand its composition and dataflows, assess risk within context, and provide developers with a better understanding of the potential impact and path to resolution.

Risk-based prioritization and remediation

Continually focus on the issues that pose the most risk to your organization while collaborating with developers to remediate open issues.

Priority Score

Snyk’s priority score takes into account multiple risk factors beyond CVSS severity levels — such as reachability, exploit maturity, and social trends — to enable better visibility into risk.

Insights (beta)

Insights provides you with broad context on the entire application — composition, build, deployment, and runtime — to enable you to identify and prioritize top risks.

Automated fixes

Enable your developers to fix issues at scale with 1-click fix pull requests that make fixing security issues a seamless experience.

Industry leading security intelligence throughout the SDLC

Strengthen your application security posture with industry-leading security intelligence, combining public sources, proprietary expert research, and data from the developer community, machine learning, and human-in-the-loop AI.

Snyk Vulnerability Database

The Snyk Vulnerability Database provides verified, detailed information and fixes for open source and container vulnerabilities.

Snyk Code knowledge base

Snyk Code utilizes the most up-to-date code security information, reducing false positives and delivering actionable fixes.

Unified policy engine

Snyk Code utilizes the most up-to-date code security information, reducing false positives and delivering actionable fixes.

If you would like more information on this service, contact us today!