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IaC security for devs and DevOps

Build, deploy, and operate securely in the cloud with security embedded in developer workflows from code to cloud.

Secure infrastructure from the source

Snyk IaC is designed to make it easy for developers to keep their applications secure from the start by providing security feedback and fixes in-line with code across the SDLC and running cloud environments.

Secure from the start

Empower developers to proactively fix security issues directly in their IDE, CLI, and Git workflows, reducing backlogs and time to fix.

Enforce from code to cloud

Unify visibility and governance from developer workflows, pipelines, and running cloud environments with a single policy engine and ruleset.

Remediate in code

Speed up and scale developer-led fixes for cloud misconfigurations with direct links to the source IaC file in Git workflows.


“Snyk helps ensure our IaC is secure before code is committed and now Snyk Cloud helps me verify that my cloud infrastructure is also secure, post-deployment. The ability to identify security holes that may have been introduced outside of IaC is invaluable to us.”


Security Engineer

Unified IaC security from code to cloud

Stay secure across Terraform, CloudFormation, ARM, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more.

Pre-deployment security designed for developers

Avoid breaking changes in production, and scale security by automating application and infrastructure security in developer workflows.

Developer-first Integrations

Secure IaC in developer workflows via IDE, CLI, SCM, CI, Terraform Cloud, and running cloud environments., and enterprise integrations. Give developers security feedback and suggested fixes immediately in-line with code, preventing misconfigurations from reaching production.

Unified policy engine

Enforce built-in Snyk security and compliance rules mapped to 10+ frameworks including CIS, SOC 2, NIST 800-53, and PCI DSS consistently from code to cloud. Enhance security by building custom rules in OPA’s Rego query language. One engine. One ruleset. No inconsistencies.

Auto link cloud issues to source code

Enable teams to remediate cloud issues faster by automatically linking them to the IaC source code to fix in, and the developers that need to make the fix, in Git workflows. Fix, retest, and redeploy.

Developers choose Snyk Open Source

Snyk Open Source accommodates developers with integration into workflow tools, automated scans, and actionable security intelligence.

Unified Policy Engine

Let all stakeholders operate efficiently under a single source of truth for cloud policy using OPA.

IaC security

Secure your infrastructure as code before you deploy and detect drift as it occurs.

Container security

Scan your base images and K8s manifests before you deploy. Stay secure at runtime with Sysdig.

Compliance automation

Take advantage of comprehensive, best-in-class cloud compliance right out of the box with 10+ supported frameworks.

If you would like more information on this service, contact us today!